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Derivatives Agent >> Protection of Customer Assets (Section 33,43,44)

  Type Title Section See Document Status Notified Date Effective Date
1. Act   The Derivatived Act B.E 2546   33 03/07/2003 06/01/2004
2. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission  Kor Thor. 9/2556 Segregation and Management of Client’s Assets In Case of Intermediary Being under Receivership by Court Order   18/10/2013 01/11/2013
3. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorThor. 84/2552 Custody of Assets of Clients by Licensed Derivatives Brokers (Codefied)   03/08/2009 01/09/2009
Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorThor 84/2552 Custody of Assets of Clients by Licensed Derivatives Brokers 03/08/2009 01/09/2009
Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorThor. 14/2555 Custody of Assets of Clients by Licensed Derivatives Brokers (No. 3) 28/02/2012 16/03/2012
  Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission   SorThor. 38/2553 Rules for Custody of Customer Assets and Essential Details of Custody Agreement (Synopsis) 15/09/2010 01/10/2010