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Derivatives Agent >> Registration

  Type Title Section See Document Status Notified Date Effective Date
1. Act   The Derivative Act B.E. 2546   16 03/07/2003 06/01/2004
2. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission  Kor Thor. 11/2553 Registration of Derivatives Business Operator In the Category of Derivatives Broker and Derivatives Dealer (Codefied)   15/07/2010 01/08/2010
Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission  KorThor 11/2553 Registration of Derivatives Business Operator in the Category of Derivatives Broker and Derivatives Dealer 15/07/2010 01/08/2010
Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission  KorThor. 6/2555 Registration of Derivatives Business Operator in the Category of Derivatives Broker and Derivatives Dealer (No. 2) 29/06/2012 16/07/2012