Executives of securities companies and personnel in securities business >>

  Type Title Section See document Status Notified Date Effective Date
1. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission   3/2548    17/01/2005 01/03/2005
2. Notification of the Securities and Exchange Commission   4/2548    17/01/2005 01/03/2005
3. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorThor/Nor/Khor 37/2553 Prohibited Characteristics of Personnel in Capital Market Industry   15/09/2010 01/10/2010
4. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorThor/Nor/Khor. 58/2552 Qualifications and Other Prohibited Characteristics of Directors and Executives of Securities Companies (Codified) (Synopsis)   03/08/2009 01/09/2009
5. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorThor/Nor/Khor 87/2552 Qualifications and Prohibited Characteristics of Directors and Executives of Derivatives Business Operators (Codified) (Synopsis)   03/08/2009 01/09/2009
6. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board   85/2552    03/08/2009 01/09/2009
7. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board   57/2552    03/08/2009 01/09/2009
8. Notification of Capital Market Supervisory Board  TorThor/Nor/Khor. 26/2551 Rules, Conditions and Procedures for Being Executive of Securities Companies   05/11/2008 16/11/2008
9. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission   12/2558    03/04/2015 01/06/2015
10. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Guidelines for Application and Approval for Appointment of Person to be Director and Executive of Derivatives Business Operator B.E. 2553 (2010)   01/02/2010 01/02/2010
11. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission Guidelines for Application and Approval for Appointment of Person to be Director or Manager of Securities Company B.E. 2553 (2010)   01/02/2010 01/02/2010
12. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission  OrThor/Nor/Khor. 11/2548 Re: Practical Guideline on Application for Approval and Approval for Appointment of an Executive of a Derivatives Business Operator   31/10/2005 01/11/2005
13. Report/Form (Notification of Securities and Exchange Commission)    16/11/2008