Securities Dealer Business >>

  Type Title Section See document Status Notified Date Effective Date
1. Ministerial regulations    26/09/1996 04/10/1996
2. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission  OrThor. 27/2543 Re: Guidelines for the Determination of Preventive Measurement for the Usage of Inside Information for the Benefit of Securities Trading   08/12/2000 20/12/2000
3. Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission  OrThor. 21/2543 Re: Guidelines for the Operation Control for the Securities Brokerage and Dealing of Securities That are Not Debt Instruments   11/10/2000
4. Circular   31/2546    25/12/2003
5. Circular   3/2546    12/02/2003
6. Circular   14/2544    19/09/2001
7. Circular   25/2544    03/07/2001
8. Circular   18/2544    26/03/2001
9. Circular   11/2544    20/02/2001
10. Circular   15/2538    23/08/1995
11. Circular   15/2537    19/08/1994